Web Developer / Art Director — 15+ Years Exp.

I am a web developer / graphic artist with experience in all stages of print production and website development. I am looking to transition to full web development. I have worked in the publishing world bringing over 100 issues through the entire production process: text –> page –> screen.

My Work

For the last 15+ years I have been the lone developer and designer for a small, non-profit publisher. I have brought over one hundred issues (Touchstone magazine & Salvo magazine) through the full production process from design/layout to print, and have then made each issue available online.

I oversee two websites, one of which I designed and coded from scratch using Bootstrap, php, and MySQL with a custom subscriber login and backend—www.touchstonemag.com.




For the other website, I manage and update the articles and graphics using October CMS (laravel)—www.salvomag.com.

Back Issues Page

Besides the publishing projects, I have worked on many fund-raising and direct marketing campaigns. I have directed and executed design projects large and small with Publishing Management Associates, Douglas Shaw & Associates, and Biretta Books.

I have also created a custom freelance job tracker with javascript (vanilla), bootstrap, and php.

Custom Freelance Job Tracker

My professional work also includes:

  • Web Graphics
  • Stationary
  • Website Creation
  • Fundraising Letters
  • Online Shopping Cart
  • Mail Merges
  • ePub Creation
  • Database Integration
  • Cover Design
  • Email Admin
  • Page Layout
  • Illustration
  • Online Forms
  • Weekly eBlasts
  • Ad Creation

Equipped with a diverse skill-set, I thrive on problem-solving and creative challenges.